Bridging the Gap (Again): Accelerating Innovation through Platform Engineering
Depending on registrations, the session will be in English or Dutch. Scroll naar beneden voor de agenda in het Nederlands.
13 november 2023 | Evenement | Door: Conclusion Xforce
The best way to accelerate innovation and delivery of value is to improve the developer experience. How can we leverage tools, technology, and the ways of platform engineering to improve DevEx? Join us and find out!
Why keep reinventing the wheel? DevOps is dead, long live Platform Engineering! Final programme to follow.
De beste manier om innovatie te versnellen en waarde te leveren, is door de ervaring van ontwikkelaars te verbeteren. Hoe kunnen we tools, technologie en de methoden van platform engineering benutten om DevEx te verbeteren?
17.30 - 18.00 uur Inloop
18.00 - 18.30 uur Eten
18.30 - 20.30 uur Sessie: Bridging the Gap (Again)