First8Friday Encryptie – 2016 editie 4
Welkom bij de First8Friday van april 2016, je terugkerende dosis Open Source inspiratie die we elke eerste vrijdag van de maand met je delen. Deze First8Friday videoblog gaat over Encryptie.
Toelichting: This edition deals with encryption and discusses an interesting case, where Apple and the FBI have a difference of opinion about what is and what is not allowed.
Case closed: FBI has received help from an unknown party and succeeded in decrypting the iPhone. FBI has cancelled the case against Apple. It is unknown which third party has helped the FBI in decrypting, but it is widely rumoured to be Israeli company Cellebrite, which has worked with the FBI on several previous occasions. Dutch NFI is also using surveillance products from Cellebrite.
More information about this case can be found in this interesting video of Last Week Tonight, with John Oliver.
1 april 2016 | Nieuws | Door: First8 Conclusion