SDG 13: Climate action
How do we ensure that the earth remains inhabitable for our children and for subsequent generations? The effects of climate change affect us all. IT can be the engine that acts as a catalyst for sustainable solutions to various climate challenges. Conclusions uses knowledge, services, and innovations to create positive impact.

Examples of programmes that contribute to this:
1. Sustainable mobility and fossil-free fleet
Up until 2028, Conclusion will compensate for the fossil emissions of our fleet. On the basis of our sustainable ambitions, we have opted for a completely fossil-free fleet as of 1 January 2028. This will be supplemented by schemes for a lease bike and an ‘OV Vrij’ public transport subscription for all employees.
2. Sustainable accommodation
Conclusion leases all its company premises. This has consequences for the measures we are allowed to take. When furnishing and using our property, we take into consideration the impact on our environment. For example, with a 50% working from home policy. We are exploring networks and innovations that will significantly reduce the emissions from our properties.
3. Zero waste company restaurants
Our aim is to eliminate food waste by 2025. In addition, the food we offer in our company restaurants is healthy and sustainable, with the lowest possible ecological footprint. In order to achieve these objectives, we not only have to change the way we work, but also our mindset.