More about Government, Public Safety & Non-profit

A safe climate and development opportunities for all.

Close to citizens

Whether national, provincial, or local: citizens are faced with a landscape of rules and rights. The more complex that landscape, the more important it is for the government to maintain a proximity to its citizen. At the same time, the boundaries of that landscape must be clear. While security and law enforcement are national issues, they’re also significant part of local government. Effective use and exchange of data can make the difference.

The Netherlands as a knowledge economy

Education is the powerful engine for our knowledge economy and labour market. In both early years and adult education, we see trends that are reinforced by digital technology. Digital teaching methods offer enormous opportunities for individualized and therefore more effective teaching. It’s hugely important that pupils are able to deal with data and learn to take ownership in this respect. Another trend: automation of document management and cloud computing can significantly reduce education professionals’ workload.

Working toward a safer society

We at Conclusion are eager to be of added value and want to help create a safe, lawful society. We contribute to digital transformations. We combine analysis with technical expertise. And we work on implementation power. Providing our input and delivering is one aspect, but we also have our sights set on another: getting things done!

Between strategy and implementation

Every policy development has an impact on the digital infrastructure, which in turn has an impact on policy implementation. This interaction places demands on the agility of systems and on the flexibility of the people who work with them. Conclusion is here to reinforce policymakers’ and policy implementers’ digital knowledge and skills.

What do we offer in this market?

Government organizations often involve large groups of employees. We develop learning courses for RADIO (the Dutch National Academy for Digitalization and E-Governance) in which we explain today’s IT capabilities. This introduces them to the benefits of digital tools and opportunities as an integral part of their work.

Individual and team coaching

If you’re working in teams, it’s important that all members feel they can participate. At the same time, team leaders must have the expertise and authority to lead effectively. We provide leadership training in small groups, using decision-making methods and simulations familiar from military operations. We also offer leadership coaching alongside gamification within teams, or individual coaching alongside PowerApps for large groups of employees.”

Process improvement

In the large organizations that government bodies tend to be, we put our finger on the sore spot: where things are going wrong in the chain. This could be down to logistical links that aren’t aligned, or systems that make it difficult for stakeholders to get in contact with one another. Our optimization processes remove these barriers.

Support for education

Safety, resilience, workload reduction, and opportunities in teaching methodologies require their own forms of support, often with a multidisciplinary approach. Our ecosystem of 28 companies guarantees services that match your needs. This is how we help educational institutions to function and perform better.

Facilitating detection

SummIT is the software program that Conclusion uses to support the investigative services such as including the police force, Marechaussee (Dutch Border Police), Rijksrecherche (National Police Internal Investigations Department), and FIOD (Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service). SummIT facilitates both detection and documentation. Conclusion Flex-I.D., which initiated the programme in consultation with current and future users, is responsible for further development within our ecosystem. SummIT is also increasingly being used in overseas territories of the Netherlands. The program gives Conclusion a leading position in the Dutch security domain.

Platform development

Bridging the gap between citizens and government is a hot topic. And in many situations, people don’t know who can help them with their problem or how to reconnect marginalized parts of society. We’re developing platforms for different types of government agencies that will help to bridge the gap.

Government, Public Safety & Non-profit

Talking about digital prowess: your imagination is the limit.

Peter de Jong

Peter de Jong

Director Government, Public Safety & Non-profit