There’s no Dynamics implementation in the Professional Services sector we can’t handle

If there is one thing all companies want, it’s to work smarter and more efficiently. Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers convenient solutions for this, but what can it do for specific markets? Every sector has its own challenges and complexities. Here at Conclusion MBS, we understand that – which is why we work in sector-specialized teams. This approach allows us to offer companies the best help possible with the specific digital transformation challenges they face. One such sector is Professional Services. Dinant Rorije is a specialist in this sector, and we caught up with him to talk about what makes his job so fun and challenging. 

March 17th, 2022   |   Publication   |   By: Conclusion MBS


Dynamics 365 in professional service sector

Successful digital transformations in the Professional Services sector

Dinant is Delivery Manager at Conclusion MBS and has over fifteen years of experience in implementing Microsoft systems. He knows Dynamics 365 like the back of his hand, and he specializes in implementations for Professional Services companies. “Fifteen years on, I know all the challenges and trends inside out,” says Dinant. “So, it doesn’t take long for me to understand how a company works, and what the client needs. If you work with companies in the same sector day in, day out, you’re already 1-0 ahead.”

Getting the most out of Dynamics 

Our specialists help companies to identity and analyze their processes. Then we work together to assess which processes can be accommodated in the standard package. “Because we know the market and its challenges, we know what really helps clients,” explains Dinant. “Recording and invoicing hours is hugely important in the Professional Services sector, but it’s also the thing people least enjoy doing. We even come up against this ourselves. And that insight is incredibly valuable when it comes to advising clients properly. The ultimate goal is for employees to spend as little time as possible recording hours once Dynamics has been implemented. That also lets us eliminate a lot of the irritations.” 

The ultimate goal is for employees to spend as little time as possible recording hours once Dynamics has been implemented

Dinant Rorije, Delivery Manager

Dynamics 365 for a membership and subscription organization

The Professional Services sector also includes member and subscription organizations. It’s a market with specific challenges, and today’s innovations mean that things are only getting more complex.

Rental bike with QR code, stable and flexible backend systems

“The internet, mobile devices and apps are going to play a major role here,” says Dinant. “Just think of when users quickly scan a QR code on a scooter so that they can start using it. The backend systems take care of the correct settlement or billing. Companies wanting to keep up with these developments need a certain amount of flexibility, so that they can adapt their processes and ensure business continuity. But you also have companies that serve an incredible number of members, sometimes millions. That requires a very stable backend so that, wherever possible, they can automate subscription billing and eliminate errors. As you can imagine, this really cuts down on man-hours in the department if you’re processing hundreds of thousands of invoices a month.”

Complexity within the standard package

Conclusion MBS is also specialized in implementations at technical services companies, or those offering not just knowledge and expertise, but also machines. “The deployment of large vessels on a project is just such a complex process,” says Dinant. “I really enjoy working on those projects. You have to think about the deployment of the ship and the crew. And they don’t have an internet connection when they’re at sea, which further complicates the process of recording hours and issuing correct and timely invoices. Factors like that make these projects even more fun to work on. To me it’s a challenge to find a suitable solution within the standard package - one that really works for all the company’s employees. Because that’s what it’s all about in the end.”

No challenge is too big for us. There’s nothing we enjoy more than sinking our teeth into complex projects

Dinant Rorije, Delivery Manager

Expert in Dynamics implementation

The team at Conclusion MBS lives and breathes complex projects; we can’t get enough. “No challenge is too big for us. There’s nothing we enjoy more than sinking our teeth into complex projects - such as ones that involve different processes and systems, for example, or huge numbers of users. To be able to seize every challenge with both hands, we make a point of keeping up to date with trends and developments on the market – every single day. Clients rely on our professionalism and specialist knowledge, so we need to be on top of our game. Alongside the business knowledge we bring with us from our careers and experience at a range of other companies, we also have the expertise we need to help clients in this sector properly. So no challenge is too complex for us.” 

Curious about the possibilities of Dynamics 365 within the Professional Services sector?

Get in touch! We’d love to talk to you about it.

Jan-Douwe Jilderda