The Province of Drenthe chooses Dynamics 365 Finance with key themes of efficiency and insight
To boost its digital transformation, the provincie Drenthe wanted to switch to a new, cloud-based system for its financial administration. Not just because support for the old system was set to end, but mainly because the organization needed a flexible, future-proof solution. Clear and unambiguous insight into the figures was no longer a given, so employees were working with their own overviews in Excel. These shadow records were not sustainable.
provincie Drenthe

Government, Public Safety & Non-profit
Adaptive enterprise applications
Date published
7 mei 2024

In collaboration with BDO and the Province of Drenthe, MBS ensured that the application did indeed meet the government's requirements.
The people at Conclusion MBS not only understand implementing software systems, they also know Dynamics very well.
We now have a flexible system that supports us well in all finance-related areas.

Microsoft Dynamics for government
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a modern cloud platform that enables government authorities to optimize and automate their financial processes. The platform offers extensive functionality in terms of ERP, CRM, BI and PowerApps.

Conclusion in government, public safety, and non-profit
Government, public safety, and non-profit is one of the markets in which the Conclusion ecosystem can make a real impact. Interested in learning more about our joint services in this market?