Facts and figures

Here we account for our approach in terms of figures, results, and agreements. Transparency first and foremost. Conclusion adheres to all national and regional laws and regulations, including tax obligations and competition rules. And more, because we feel a sense of responsibility to provide our services honestly and sustainably.

Conclusion Cares | Sustainable economy

SKAO CO2 Performance Ladder level 5

We are ISO14001 certified in accordance with level 5 of the SKAO CO2 Performance Ladder.
View our certificates, chain analysis, and material emission documents at https://www.co2-prestatieladder.nl/deelnemers/Conclusion_B_V.

Conclusion has set absolute and relative reduction targets for the company and the projects for the 2020-2022 period. The relative reduction target for scopes 1 and 2 (emissions directly related to us) relates to:

  • most material emissions (mobility)
  • the total project portfolio (SFA project, WGID project)

Reduction targets

Our reduction targets are as follows:

 Scope 1 reduction target
Target: 14% CO2 reduction in 2022 compared with 2016, related to the number of FTEs.

 Scope 2 reduction target
Target: 5% CO2 reduction in 2022 compared with 2016, related to the number of FTEs.

 Scope 1 & 2 reduction target
Target: 12.5% CO2 reduction in 2022 compared with 2016, related to the number of FTEs.

 Alternative fuels
In 2022, the share of kWh in relation to the total fuel consumption of the fleet holding grew by 50% compared with 2020. 

Targets for 2022–2025

Conclusion wants to have 60% fewer CO2 emissions by 2025 compared with 2016. For a complete list of targets, please refer to the CO2 policy/emission inventory 2021.

Policy, reduction plans, and certificates

Policy, reduction plans, and certificates

Conclusion Cares | Sustainability report 2023

Sustainability report

Conclusion considers sustainable enterprise to be of paramount importance. But what does it actually mean? How do we approach it and what are the themes and different initiatives? And what is the common thread running through it all? Read all about it in Conclusion’s sustainability report.

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Conclusion CaresClimate action (SDG 13)

The effects of climate change affect us all. We focus on reducing the negative impact of our operational processes and our chain on the environment.

Danique Lindner

Environmental & Footprint Specialist