Eneco and Conclusion nominated for Global Energy Transition Award

Eneco and Conclusion have been nominated for the prestigious Global Energy Transition Awards 2024, in the Low Carbon Energy Generation category. The energy supplier and Conclusion have been working closely together since 2018 to achieve Eneco's ambitious sustainability goal of being climate neutral by 2035. This has not gone unnoticed. The partners have been nominated for the smart energy network that enables Eneco to be the first energy supplier in the Netherlands to connect energy assets and operate them in real time. This is called curtailment in the energy market.

April 12th, 2024   |   News   |   By: Conclusion


Eneco and Conclusion nominated for Global Energy Transition Award

The Global Energy Transition Awards are an initiative of international news service Reuters. Reuters has an unrivalled reputation for providing in-depth and reliable insights into the energy market. The Global Energy Transition Awards annually recognize the key players in the global energy transition.  

Smart energy grid

With the help of Conclusion Mission Critical and AMIS Conclusion, Eneco is able to connect all forms of energy assets to the energy network and to operate these assets in real time. The nomination emphasizes Eneco's achievements: making a significant contribution to the energy transition and the impact on the overall energy mix of the Netherlands.

Menno Gierman, Head of Energy Operations at Eneco: "Eneco is one of the parties responsible for keeping the Dutch energy grid in balance by managing supply and demand. In order to be CO2 neutral by 2035, Eneco has built its own Virtual Power Plant (VPP). Through the VPP, it will be possible to connect thousands of local sustainable assets, from wind and solar farms to batteries and electric boilers. With the VPP, we are taking a big step towards becoming a digital energy company."

Bastiaan Gerrits, Head of Business Technology at Eneco adds: "To achieve this, we opted for a scalable and extensible application platform. Every energy asset can be easily connected to the platform and communicates effortlessly with our virtual power plant. Digitalization serves as a catalyst for the transition to sustainable energy. Conclusion's expertise is indispensable for the realization of this platform, which has been designed and built with this vision in mind from the start." 

Robbrecht van Amerongen, Head of IoT at AMIS Conclusion: "We are proud of the added value we are delivering to the energy transition with Eneco. The smart energy network has an extremely high measurement frequency. By means of logic and algorithms, we determine the most optimal setting of the network, after which an energy park is controlled within a few seconds. We are proud of getting this nomination since is a recognition of the ambitious, innovative, and groundbreaking platform we created."

More information  

Together with eight other organizations, Eneco and Conclusion are in the finals of the Global Energy Transition Award, in the Low Carbon Energy Generation category. The finalists were chosen by a professional jury of international experts and administrators from the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the World Bank and Stanford University, among others. The organization received more than five hundred entries. The winner will be announced in June. For more information, visit the website or contact Robbrecht van Amerongen.

About Eneco

Eneco is an international energy company committed to accelerating the energy transition. Based on our One Planet Plan, we have the ambition to be completely climate neutral for our energy consumption and that of our customers by 2035. This requires radical electrification, phasing out natural gas in the production and supply of energy, and accelerating sustainable heat. We invest in sustainable means of production, the possibilities of energy storage and smart energy solutions for consumers and businesses. Together, we are working on sustainable energy for everyone. 

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Robbrecht van Amerongen