More about Healthcare
Our expertise in healthcare

Simplifying data exchange
Facilitating data exchange is a hot topic for all players in the healthcare sector. But in order for this to succeed, barriers need to be broken down. Here’s what needs to happen:
- Barrier-free data exchange in the healthcare landscape;
- Application of the ‘Registration at Source’ principle – register a patient’s health information once and reuse it many times;
- Terminology standardization: by adopting and applying international and national information and exchange standards (ZIBs and FHIR).
Barriers to exchange need to be broken down to enable technology such as ‘VIPP’: a program supported by the Dutch government that’s really accelerating data exchange between healthcare providers and patients. It also increases insights into regional and national healthcare distribution and capacity. Alongside facilitating national and international data releases for scientific research, it simplifies the often compulsory and time-consuming quality registration tasks in the healthcare sector.
The growing role of AI
AI is currently establishing itself at all levels of healthcare: the consultation room, home treatment, and the operating room. But that doesn’t mean the human factor is any less important. How can we implement AI safely and reliably? How do you monitor the quality of self-learning algorithms? And how do you ensure acceptance of AI as the third party in the treatment room, alongside the doctor and patient, when it comes to treatment advice?
Platforms and dashboards as a springboard to value-driven healthcare
Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) focuses on a continuous improvement cycle in the healthcare process, as well as making healthcare costs transparent and reducing them. Data platforms and user-friendly dashboards form the basis of this. Improvement platforms for healthcare teams pave the way for value-driven care. More and more healthcare institutions are using near-real-time operational dashboards that offer a range of possibilities for BI applications and analytics. Healthcare is therefore increasingly driven by data as an additional foundation.
We offer these solutions
Our experience as an ICT specialist for the healthcare and medical sciences goes back decades. This means we understand what drives healthcare professionals: their primary concern is the quality of the care they provide. Our consultants know the EHRs used in the Dutch market. We stay up to date with every scale of healthcare process and keep our finger on the pulse when it comes to legislation and regulations.
Added value for cure and care
Conclusion is active on both the cure and the care side of healthcare. An example of both is our support for VIPP and our CVS application. VIPP is the Accelerated Programme for Information Exchange between Patients and Professionals in Specialist Medical Healthcare (‘Informatie-uitwisseling tussen Patiënt en Professionals in de medisch-specialistische zorg’). VIPP is subsidized by the Dutch government: it stimulates the exchange with the patient’s personal health environment and between healthcare professionals. The fifth phase (VIPP5) provides control over the demonstrable reuse of patient data within hospitals. Besides processes with VIPP5, we also supervise OPEN processes.
Home care
The Conclusion Tracking System (Conclusion Volg Systeem, CVS) helps citizens, healthcare providers, and healthcare institutions to keep control over everyday situations and facilitates registration throughout the chain. CVS facilitates registration throughout the chain. Used by VeiligThuis (citizens’ advice) organizations and Youth Healthcare, CVS is proving its worth for municipalities’ and Municipal Health Centres’ social work. You can expand the standard CVS package with any extra models your healthcare situation requires.
The power of EHRs
We’re committed to ensuring optimal availability of patient data. That means this data must be unambiguous and available wherever your employees want to work. At Conclusion, we’ve been working with the most important EHRs in curative healthcare for many years: ChipSoft HIX, Epic, and xCare (Nexus). We support healthcare institutions by helping them to find the best possible design and implementation method for these EHRs. That gives you an edge in terms of content and removes concerns about use and maintenance.
Collect, exchange, apply
An average hospital has hundreds of IT systems in use that generate a valuable stream of source data. At Conclusion, we’re specialized in collecting, storing, exchanging, and usefully reusing that data. We develop integrated and cloud-based data warehouses. From there, we ensure that data is shared and made accessible in real time for numerous applications: in patient care, for business operations, and for education and scientific research.
AFAS as a system support
We support the primary care process in its many forms and also take care of organizing the administrative system behind them. As an AFAS partner, we dive into your organization and make sure that the set-up suits your organization. From our service centre, we carry out functional application management that focuses on optimization and continuity. If new functions are released, we help to implement them. In this way, the secondary business processes always remain in order and you, as a care institution, have your hands free for care, your core business.
Tech partner for co-innovation
The many developments in healthcare and the growth of digitization are creating new opportunities for smart applications. This leads to a large-scale renewal of the application landscape and the entry of start-ups and scale-ups. They often have good and innovative ideas, but they don’t always know their way around in healthcare or lack the power to scale up their solution efficiently. Integration and linking platforms are gaining ground in healthcare, with APIs helping to create a universal interface between applications – and therefore between healthcare institutions. Increasingly, parts of this architecture are cloud-based, with the benefit of scalable, powerful and secure infrastructure. At Conclusion, we can also help innovate the healthcare market in a cost-effective way in the form of partnerships.
We stand by you
Building and implementing is one thing. Advice, guidance, and support are equally important in digital transformations. They’re key to project and programme management, for example. They’re crucial for test coordination and execution. They’re vital for authorization and quality registration. They’re essential in training end users and workshops for functional healthcare and application administrators. And they’re central to managing software and performing optimizations that keep your system manageable moving forward. We make this promise: we’ll stand by you as long as you need us. We’re here to advise, build, and support, inspired by an alternative interpretation of ICT: Improving Care Together.
Wondering what Conclusion can do for you in terms of healthcare?
Feel free to contact us!