Hello world! Being an innovative actor in international markets
A specific start-up issue from a client operating internationally reveals a much larger and more complex question: how can we translate our vision for 2025 into a clear IT strategy and how can we implement it? In the process of finding the answer, Conclusion supported this client. Said client wishes to share their story, but remain anonymous in doing so. For context: it concerns a Dutch company in the agrarian sector which has a name known around the world.
Dutch company – agrarian sector
Retail, Food & Agri
Leading digital change
Date published
25 februari 2021
The start: the question behind the issue
It started with a specific issue. We were asked whether we could use a design thinking process to contribute to a new service design. The client wanted to introduce an innovative product-service combination on the international agricultural market. However, analysis showed that the implementation was lacking for the right knowledge and a digital strategic vision. For example, what needs to be done with regard to IT to be able to offer our new digital product safely? What form of cooperation do we choose and what agreements do we make with the supplier of innovative technology? Which strategy do we use to select innovative products? This led to the core question that transcended all these issues: the need for a clear, digital strategic direction.
The ambition: development within two months
Conclusion went to work with two consultants from the Digital Strategy team. They had expertise in strategy development, but also in the sector. Together with the ‘CxOs’, we established a roadmap: the development of a digital strategy within two months, including board approval and communication with all parts of the organization. The company had a clear corporate vision and business strategy. It was up to us to link this to a future-proof digital strategy.
The approach: for and with the organization
In developing a digital transformation strategy, it is essential to ask the right questions and discover the deeper motives behind the client’s issue. We take the lead in this process. Where possible, we hand on that leadership: the client takes the steps towards further development and concretization.
This is how we went about it:
- We hold discussions with stakeholders, to properly map their expectations and translate them into digital goals.
- Connect to the client's desire to become more agile in responding to current market developments.
- Identifying areas of knowledge and skill that needed strengthening to make agility achievable.
- Advising with regard to the need to bring innovative products to the market more quickly through partnerships (such as an ecosystem).
- Structural support for our recommendations thanks to the Conclusion TWO Model.
The outcome: regaining control of the business from focus and trust
The project was implemented within the set time frame. Our client is now working with renewed confidence and enthusiasm based on the new digital-strategic direction given to further development of the roadmaps and setting up the portfolio boards. The next step is a contribution to portfolio management for which Conclusion’s services have once again been requested. The client succinctly describes our services as ‘quick, united, and a welcome guide’.
Leadership in digital transformation: this is how we work towards it from our ecosystem.
Conclusion serves its clients through our unique ecosystem of IT and business oriented companies. Each one is an authority in its field. By deploying such expertise in a targeted manner, we work to help you become resilient, agile, and distinct.
In this client case, Conclusion Consulting played a leading role.
Would you like to know which direction your digital strategy could take?
Please call or e-mail us for an exploratory meeting.