Retail, Food & Agri

From chain partner to customer: working together for safe, responsible food that meets consumers’ personal needs.

Retail, Food & Agri market

Working together on tomorrow’s food

Food retail, food and agri focuses on supplying safe, responsibly grown food that meets customers’ personal needs. To achieve this, IT must be resilient, agile, and distinctive: IT, production, logistics, sales, and the other parts of your company must work together as much as possible to achieve the shared goals and priorities. We will point out the opportunities, provide proven approaches and technologically smart solutions, and help you implement and manage these solutions – not only for today, but also for tomorrow and beyond. That’s how we’re working together on tomorrow’s food.

Resilience: the foundation for continuity

Production, logistics, and sales are the beating heart of your company. You want your essential business processes and systems to be protected and available at all times. This requires a robust and secure combination of infrastructure, systems, and ways of working. But what if your IT landscape has become too complex, too old, or too vulnerable? We help you to simplify and strengthen your IT landscape, such as by migrating to cloud and mature platforms like ERP or using smart development platforms like Low Code.
 We do all this based on our extensive experience with business-critical and society-critical processes, systems, and assets, whether in production and logistics (OT) or in sales or back office departments (IT). If required, we can even provide a 24/7 ‘Peace of Mind as a Service’.

Resilience and cooperation throughout the food supply chain

In recent years, companies have become increasingly dependent on partners in the ecosystem and the chain in which they operate. Effective partnerships have therefore become a crucial factor and are key to the continuity and performance of your company. How do you work together effectively and safely? We help you to increase resilience in the chain and optimize your partnerships. We may implement smart software robots (RPA) or software platforms (Low Code) that reduce the chance of errors and speed up throughput time, or even apply block chain solutions throughout the chain. We’re also keen to apply best practices in optimizing your processes and organization with Lean and Agile-based approaches.

People and organization as the foundation

As with any major change, your business culture and people are critical to success. This certainly applies to the people-driven Food, Agri & Food Retail market. But how do your organization and your employees become digitally savvy? What cultural changes are necessary and what kind of leadership is needed? And how will this affect your existing workforce? We support you in transforming into a digital organization, with crucial cultural changes and leadership as the foundation for success. We also offer smart digital learning and change solutions as we go through the Employee Journey together and use Design Thinking to arrive at joint solutions. Together, we deliver concrete results that really make a difference!

The right information for control, production, and sales

In these dynamic times, you want to be able to quickly respond to changes. Deciding too late or basing your decisions on incorrect or too little information can have a huge impact on production, logistics, and sales in your company. You probably have all the data, but how do you get it out of the systems, create consistency, and utilize its proper value? In other words, how do you become a more data-driven and insight-driven organization?

At Conclusion, we help to answer these questions and implement solutions. Based on the overall performance of your business, together we devise the right solution based on tried-and-tested approaches and trusted technology. We can integrate and link systems, so you can get your hands on the right data. We also help you to interpret this data and turn it into valuable information and insights, ensuring optimal control of your production, logistics, and sales.

Putting the customer first and keeping innovations on track

Nowadays, the focus is no longer on the product but on the customer. Customers expect your products and services to meet their personal needs. This often requires a huge transformation in the way you work, your organization, and your employees – as well as the technology that supports it all. We help you get more value out of your data: we offer smart solutions and develop new digital services that complement your products and services. But before we do that, we look at your business drivers, the most important trends, and your customers’ demands.

We use proven approaches such as Design Thinking and Service Design, supported by our extensive experience and best practices. We work towards a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Service Blueprint with a clear focus on production and sales. If desired, we can help you to further develop the product, put it in production, and manage it by following proven approaches and development methods, such as customized UI/UX as well as Low Code. We help you to refocus on the customer and steer innovations in the right direction.

Responsible production, transport, and sale

How do you deal with the strict requirements and conditions for nitrogen use, CO2 emissions, energy consumption, waste, and thus your individual and shared impact on the environment and society? Now more than ever, responsible production and transport are an essential part of the management and survival of companies and the entire chain. At Conclusion, we help you to use these essentials conditions to your advantage and make sure your products and services stand out. Making data accessible and creating the right links from your assets is an example of this. We also apply our knowledge and experience of Industry 4.0 and combine this with knowledge of your market. Together, we devise smart solutions that help you reduce your impact on society and increase your competitive edge.

Agility for growth

Companies that want to stand out more are looking for ways to explore new technologies. This requires systems that are ready to take on the challenge: they need to be usable and reliable. Often, this means saying goodbye to your legacy, simplifying your IT landscape, integrating IT and OT landscapes, and migrating to the cloud. This speeds up and improves your critical processes while freeing up time to start on or experiment with new business. We research and introduce new approaches, such as Agile working and DevOps. We will help you decide whether to have someone else do it, or do it yourself. Based on our extensive experience, we migrate ‘old’ IT environments to a future-oriented modern IT landscape using proven approaches (such as 6R) and extensive experience in Cloud and DevOps. We do this under the motto ‘Goodbye legacy, hello future.’ We offer our clients a comprehensive service by renewing and managing all or part of their existing IT environment. This makes our clients more agile while creating more scope for growth.

Our solutions, your way forward

Supporting the acceleration of data retrieval from existing systems.
Improve your customers’ digital experience by initiating or strengthening your organization’s e-commerce.
Data and digital will play a role alongside existing products in the financial and other performance indicators used by your organization.
Simplify your IT landscape and phase out legacy.
A more flexible infrastructure and migration to the cloud via platforms or software (SaaS).
Optimizing the integration of IT and OT through cloud, application management, and DevOps.
Optimize operational processes using modern applications, be that IoT, Industry 4.0, RPA, or Low Code.
Further professionalizing project management within your organization to stimulate agile working and decision-making processes.
We support your employees in their development. We use Learning Learn and Design Thinking to encourage them to get on board and embrace the unknown and unfamiliar.

Who we’re proud to work with

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Curious about your bridge to the future?

Eugene Reijgersberg

Eugene Reijgersberg

Client Director